Thursday 2 January 2014

Talking with Demons 4 - The Sons of God

The Hebrew term, "Benei Elohim" (Sons of God) is used in parts of the Holy Bible to refer to Angels. Most controversial, is where that meaning is applied to Genesis 6 where the implication is that angels procreated with humans to produce half human, "Nephilim" offspring.

This post is not about that subject, but rather, the possibility that the different nations that were created by God, following the failed attempt at humanity's unification, as signified by the Tower of Babel, were "given over" to be ruled by the "Benei Elohim", Angels of God.

The Tower of Babel incident is significant because it marks a point in time where God's administration over the affairs of mankind, fundamentally change. God stands back from direct ruler ship and appoints instead, spiritual rulers over each of the nations. It is of key importance however, that God chose a nation unto himself in the people of Israel, and that they would remain His possession, eventually transforming into a spiritual nation through Jesus Christ.

The "El" prefix in Elohim usually denotes divine status and the spiritual rulers of the gentiles nations were certainly regarded as "gods" however, their supposed "divinity" was most likely a consequence of  being in the presence of God rather than actually being gods. The Greek word "Kosmokrator" meaning "ruler of the world", is used to describe these celestial god like beings.
The reference to "powers" and "authorities" in Ephesians 6 is based on the common translation  of "kosmokrators" and the apostles appeared to be entirely familiar with this world view.

The concept of angels as "mini gods" is also supported in the apparently confusing reference in the Psalms to, "God among gods". This seeming contradiction in the central texts of Judaism, a monotheistic faith, could explain why there is less of a clear understanding of these matters today. The concept of pantheism would be disadvantageous to a national identity which was proud of it's title of "Gods chosen".

Created they may be, but short of power they were not so it is understandable that the kosmokrators where worshipped as gods especially as they would do little to dissuade mankind from this view, considering that this is generally regarded as Lucifer's main aim.
Mythology tends to loosely correlate with this biblical view of events around the time of the Tower of Babel but the stories vary to some extent, some claiming that God died, or was murdered, others, that He was overthrown by usurper gods.
The ancient myths also account for man-gods which would support the Nephilim theory and also account for the practice of ancestral spirit worship which followed.

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